Limitless - All about us!
A brand that represents empowerment and personal growth. We want to inspire individuals to recognise their full potential and push past limitations!
We are a brand that know all too well about facing challenges. Our personal journey has been one of ups and downs but the key message throughout is about being strong, resilient and having a positive mindset.
7 years ago I was diagnosed with a very rare type of cancer in my spinal cord, Extra Skeletal Chondrosarcoma! Yeah, It's a mouthful! It's a bone and soft tissue tumour which most people will never have heard of. At the time, even the Doctors were not sure what it was until I had it removed and pathology eventually came back. It was a long road to recovery just from the surgery and learning to walk again but now added into the mix, I had a rare cancer and we had to work out the best way to treat it!
Long story short, lots of medical and professional discussions were had and I ended up going to America, all the way from Scotland to have Proton Beam Therapy. Three months and 47 rounds of treatment later I was headed back to Scotland to see if it would work its magic on the remaining bit of tumour still in my spine. This couldn't be removed due to being wrapped around nerves that control bowel and bladder, legs etc.....
All of this was happening while I was navigating two small children, age 3 and 6 at the time. The impact it had on us as a family was intense. As a teacher of children with severe and complex needs, I have watched some of my pupils work so hard to achieve milestones and overcome adversity. Sometimes you need to be put into a position like this to realise how strong you really are. I had two beautiful boys and a husband to live for, not to mentions my parents, brother and all my other close family members.
This was my time to lock in, stay positive, focus on me and not read too much into the horrible prognosis. I truly believe that having a positive mindset, faith and a supportive network of people around me impacted my recovery. I learned to walk again, dealt with LOTS of pain over years, got back to work, the gym and now feel the fittest I have in a long time.
My boys had the worry of their mum being ill and over the years begun to realise that people can and do die from cancer, this was so difficult, but we spoke of resilience, of facing fear, having a growth mindset. We read books, went to counselling and supported each other throughout the whole journey. This journey made us stronger, more empathetic and resilient people.
Recently my sons wanted to start a clothing brand, one that had a meaning, looked good and gave them something to work on together. We chose the word 'Limitless' as we feel no one should be told they can't do something or are not good enough. You are LIMILTLESS! Know your potential and if you work hard and put your mind to it, you can achieve anything you want to! Know your worth, block out negativity and focus on you!
Thank you for taking the time to read our story. We hope you love the brand and wear it with pride knowing the message behind it.